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Just a little more

So I didn't completely finish in the last post. Larisa was still working on her parts of the website and it was getting quite late in the day. She had written everything on word but hadn't put anything in the website yet and she hadn't eaten all day!

Because Larisa hasn't used Wix before or created any parts of the website so far, we both decided it would be faster if I did it. So I just put in all her information, I didn't change any wording but just pushed it all into the website. It took about an hour but now its officially done!!!! The website is live!!!!!!!

I'm going to do a proper post about it tomorrow when I'm not so tired. I am going to make it my last one so people can find it easily. I need to do a final check of it tomorrow with fresh eyes to find mistakes and what not. But I'm so excited oh my goodness. What a day!!

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